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PTH Brixen | Employees
De Monte Oberrauch Annimi
Secretariat - Coordination of studies and student administration
PTH Brixen | Employees
Cecarini Bayer Paola, Dr.
Secretariat - Brixen Theological Courses | Lecturer for "Italian for Students abroad" I and II
PTH Brixen | Employees
Pastore Monica
Secretariat - Priestly Formation and Secretariat
PTH Brixen | Employees
Rizzi Volcan Elena
Secretariat Bolzano
PTH Brixen | Employees
Kaser Claudia, Dr.
Head of the Library
PTH Brixen | Employees
Eller Hartmann
Library collaborator
PTH Brixen | Employees
Gschnitzer Kathrin
Library collaborator
PTH Brixen | Employees
Schraffl Thomas, Dr.
Administrative Director
PTH Brixen | Employees
Pfattner Benno, Dr.
PTH Brixen | Employees
Wild Katharina
Reservation of rooms and meeting rooms
PTH Brixen | Employees
Simonini, Tobias Mag.
Media contact
Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Brixen
Piazza Seminario 4
39042 Bressanone/Brixen // Italy
VAT no.: IT00414770214
T +39 0472 271120 // info@pthsta.it